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Gomorra Final Season

The Rapcap

Before a season starts, people searching on YouTube for video summaries and recaps to remember the crucial moments of the story and how the previous one was ended. For the launch of the Final Season of Gomorrah, we’ve created the first “rapcap” of a tv series, composed by one of the most followed artist of the neapolitan underground scene: J Lord. The song and the video clip tell about the highlights of the previous four seasons of the show.

T H E   P E R F O R M A N C E
Few days before the release of the last season we’ve presented our song on the most famous stage ever: X-Factor. J.Lord and Shari performed
the rapcap song LIVE as guests in the most popular Sky’s music talent show. The track was spread also through Spotify and it was included
in the mixtape Bloody Vinyl 3.

T H I S  I S  T H E  E N D
Some hours before the release of the last episode, we dropped on the social networks a farewell videos where the series’ main actors,
Salvatore Esposito (Gennaro Savastano) and Marco D’Amore (Ciro Di Marzio), say goodbye to their characters for the last time. Those videos were
the most viral content ever posted on the Sky’s Italian social channels:

1.5 milions reach  |  97K engagment. |  664K  views

Finally, the letters in which the two actors greeted their characters, were printed on the main national newspapers.

F R O M  T H E  P R E S S ( translasted)